Organisational Rucksack KiTa

Organisational Rucksack KiTa

Organisational and temporal framework conditions

Condition Place of education:
The aim of Rucksack KiTa is to introduce families to the education system as early as possible and to experience and help shape the educational institution on site. Therefore, the programme takes place without exception in the KiTa held.

Role of educational venue:

With Rucksack KiTa, the nursery is responsibly involved in the parallel promotion of the German language, taking multilingualism into account. The language education work of the teachers is always coordinated with the work with parents - and vice versa. In this way, an educational partnership is established that also supports the diversity-oriented and migration-sensitive opening of the facilities. For these reasons, too, the connection to a childcare centre or family centre is a basic condition for the implementation of the programme.

Binding principles: 1. participation, 2. education/educational partnership:

For the families this means:

  • a Rucksack KiTa-Parent group under the guidance of the parent facilitator
  • Joint parent-child activities at home, also with the whole family
  • coordinated Rucksack KiTa-Activities for children and families in the KiTa
  • Possibility to qualify parents/families with international family history to lead the group (parent accompaniment)

The KiTa is responsible for:

  • Multilingual language education integrated into everyday life in a coordinated concept
  • the targeted initiation and support of educational partnerships with families
  • the diversity-oriented and migration-sensitive opening of the institution and a corresponding educational concept

The different life worlds of the child (family and day care centre) are consciously included in the work.

Possible cooperation partners:
Cooperation partners in the overall implementation - for example, qualification, certain projects/measures/activities, etc. - of the programme can be associations, welfare organisations, child and youth welfare organisations, family education centres and also migrant self-help organisations (MSO)..

Tasks of the programme executing agency in relation to qualification and exchange:
The Rucksack KiTa programme provider enables the pedagogical staff to take part in needs-based training in order to expand their competence in multilingualism, continuous language education, educational partnership with parents/families, etc. and to implement the establishment of a prejudice-conscious concept of the institution. It is advisable to carry out some modules of the qualification together with the parent support and the pedagogical staff.

In addition, further training is continuously offered to the parent guides. In addition, nationwide conferences and working groups are held on a regular basis.


Multilingual children develop in the same way as monolingual children

Excessive demand

Multilingualism is an opportunity, not an excessive demand


Language and identity are closely linked

Language blends

Language blends are part of natural communication and identity in multilingual families


The attitude towards speakers of one language determines how successful the acquisition of another language is.


Language acquisition is individual and depends on various factors


Multilingualism is the norm, monolingualism the exception


How can I support language acquisition?