Welcome to griffbereitMINI, Griffbereit and Rucksack KiTa

Three programs, one goal –
strengthened participation in education – right from the start.

Welcome to the homepage of griffbereitMINI, Griffbereit and Rucksack KiTa – three established language and educational programs for the youngest in our diverse society, as well as their parents and families, many of whom are of rich cultural heritage.


All programmes are explained in more detail in the FAQ video:

griffbereitMINI boosts the participation in the education from the very start.

Griffbereit is a family education program for families with or without international family history and their children ages one to three.

Rucksack KiTa is aimed at parents or families with international family history and their children ages four to six.


Interview with FUMA Fachstelle Gender & Diversität NRW as a partner for intersectional considerations in the development of materials:





25 years of the Rucksack programme in Essen: Exchange of expertise and thanks to the parent counsellors

  Essen, 29 October 2024 - To mark the 25th anniversary of the Rucksack programme, a special event was held on 29 October...

Successful kick-off event "A rucksack full of MehrSprachen" in Bremen

On 26 September 2024, the kick-off event "A rucksack full of MehrSprachen" took place in Bremen with over 50 acute...

Minister Josefine Paul visits the Rheinstraße daycare centre

On 28 June, Josefine Paul, Minister for Family Affairs of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, visited the municipal children's and family centre on Rheinstraße in...

Participate in our programmes griffbereitMINI, Griffbereit and Rucksack KiTa part!

We cordially invite you to participate in our griffbereitMINI, Griffbereit and Rucksack KiTa programmes.

Whether as an interested or already participating family, parent companion, educational specialist or programme coordinator: Nice that you are part of it!

Target groups of all programmes

For griffbereitMINI, Griffbereit and Rucksack KiTa we have defined the following five target groups:



Parents/families are addressed as experts in the promotion of their family language(s), orientated towards their strengths.



For children, language is one of the most important key competences for lifelong learning and later success.

Parent guides

Parent guides

Parent guides have a good knowledge of the participants' first language(s) or family language(s) as well as German.

Pedagogical staff

Pedagogical staff

The main tasks of pedagogical professionals are child care, education, upbringing and holistic support.

Educational institutions

Educational institutions

The programmes take place in educational institutions so that they can also open up to migration society and initiate processes.

Multilingualism refers to a person's ability to speak or understand more than one language. With our programmes we want to promote this.

Diversity is a concept in sociology and social psychology that is used in German-speaking countries analogously to the term diversity used in English-speaking countries.

People are encouraged to discover and develop their own strengths. To recognise and use their existing resources.

Federal states

Federal states


Federal states

The Griffbereit and Rucksack KiTa programmes are running in several provinces.





More and more families are taking part in our programmes.

Parent guides

Parent guides


Parent guides

Trained parent guides accompany many families.

Educational establishments/institutions

Educational establishments/institutions


Educational institutions/INSTITUTIONS

The programmes are present in many educational institutions.

What do those involved say?

What do you think of our two programmes? Do you have any comments, wishes or suggestions for one of our programmes?
or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.  Contact page.

Julia Weber

I felt like I had arrived in Germany after I arrived at the Rucksack KiTa programme participated.

Participant from a heterogeneous Rucksack KiTa group from Unna

Participant from a heterogeneous Rucksack KiTa group from Unna

Through the Rucksack KiTa-programme, I have felt motivated and supported. I successfully participated in an "Alpha" (literacy course) language course and now I also dare to exchange with the educators and read in front of the other mothers in the Rucksack KiTa group. We have a great atmosphere, a great parent guide and a great trusting relationship within our group.

Participant from a heterogeneous Rucksack KiTa group from Unna

Polyclinic definition

It is an honour and a pleasure to be a part of the programme. Griffbereit to be. The children learn very quickly and helping to shape the progress inspires me.

Alt description of the image is required for accessibilityMari Ulenberg (parent guide)

Multilingual children develop in the same way as monolingual children

Excessive demand

Multilingualism is an opportunity, not an excessive demand


Language and identity are closely linked

Language blends

Language blends are part of natural communication and identity in multilingual families


The attitude towards speakers of one language determines how successful the acquisition of another language is.


Language acquisition is individual and depends on various factors


Multilingualism is the norm, monolingualism the exception


How can I support language acquisition?