Quality standards griffbereitMINI, Griffbereit and Rucksack KiTa
Continuous language education
- Multilingualism (promotion of all family languages including German)
- Expertise and resource orientation
- Sensitising all stakeholders to language development and language education processes
- Everyday integrated language action orientation
- Orientation towards the situational approach
Equitable participation, education and empowerment of families
- Participation and involvement
- Resource and competence orientation
- Information and counselling, qualification
- Educational and training partnerships
Opening up to migration society and diversity-orientated development of the institutions involved
- Appreciation and recognition of diversity, resources and competences
- Prejudice-reflective action in education and training
- Educational work that is critical of discrimination
- Social space orientation
- Opening up the institution internally and externally
The respective points for the individual players are explained in more detail in the working materials and targets and indicators are formulated. The programmes are developed with a view to the quality standards are evaluated annually.
The quality standards can be downloaded here: Quality_standards_griffbereitMINI_Griffbereit_and_backpack_day_care_centre