Procedure Rucksack KiTa

Procedure Rucksack KiTa

How does Rucksack KiTa work?

The parents/families take Weekly for 9 months (at least one KiTa year) at the Rucksack KiTa-The group always meets at the day care centre attended by the child. The group always meets at the day care centre attended by the child or is linked to it.

characteristic of Rucksack KiTa-Parent groups:

  • The joint activities are led by qualified parent guides.
  • The participating parents/families repeat and deepen the activities at home with the children in the family language(s).
  • The parents' group and the kindergarten coordinate their educational work according to themes and taking multilingualism into account.
  • Specially developed Rucksack KiTa-The materials provide parents/families with stimulation for daily activities with their children in the family.

Multilingual children develop in the same way as monolingual children

Excessive demand

Multilingualism is an opportunity, not an excessive demand


Language and identity are closely linked

Language blends

Language blends are part of natural communication and identity in multilingual families


The attitude towards speakers of one language determines how successful the acquisition of another language is.


Language acquisition is individual and depends on various factors


Multilingualism is the norm, monolingualism the exception


How can I support language acquisition?